Caufriez Concept Empowerment de la Mujer

Méthode hypopressive MCaufriez® – Epigénétique – Ecophysiologie

Women carry within themselves the hope of a better Humanity, of an absolute well-being, they are the only ones genetically capable of providing life and energy… on condition that they integrate an “inner power” (Empowerment) which gives them self-confidence, a better self-image, a better self-esteem”.

The “Caufriez Concept Empowerment of Women” is a paradigm of life, it includes the Somato-Emotional Axis where a set of postural methods such as the Hypopressive Method, epigenetic techniques taking into account the impact on the generations, emotional management techniques and eco-physiological techniques are applied, which will allow women to acquire this “inner power”, key to a positive social change and absolute well-being.


The Hypopressive Method MCaufriez, includes rhythmic and sequential postural exercises (grouped in several Hypopressive Gymnastics programmes) always associated in Therapy, to different Manual and Instrumental Therapy techniques, to ecophysiological techniques, epigenetic techniques, emotional management techniques, also integrative Biohacking techniques (Luminotherapy, crystal therapy, …), which allow the integration, memorisation and automation of the proprioceptive sensory or sensorial “messages” associated to a specific postural situation.

There are three types of hypopressive techniques in the MCaufriez Hypopressive Method.

– Hypopressive Abdominal Gymnastics Programmes

– Diaphragmatic Aspiration Techniques

– Tension Transfer Techniques

1.- The Hypopressive Abdominal Gymnastics exercises, and its multiple programmes, are postural exercises that help to improve muscular tensions, respiratory parameters and also emotional management in the long term.

The Diaphragmatic Aspiration Techniques are Manual and Instrumental Therapy Techniques applied at the Cervico-Thoracic level and at the Thoracic Diaphragm level with the main objective of ensuring a better management of the abdominal and thoracic pressure with different results at the pelvic and lower limbs vascularisation level, a modification of the blood metabolism and as a complementary treatment of respiratory dysfunctions such as asthma, sleep apnoea …. digestive dysfunctions such as hiatus hernias, gastro-oesophageal reflux…

3.- Tension Transfer Techniques, including manual and instrumental techniques, applied at the cervico-cephalic level (maxillofacial, neuroacoustic, ocular, vestibulocochlear, …) and allow a “divergent” normalisation of all the muscles of the posterior chain or an associated treatment of structural scoliosis, or emotional dysfunctions (anxiety, depressive states, post-traumatic syndrome, …).

To obtain the diploma and the title of “Master Expert” in the Caufriez Concept – Empowerment of Women, it is necessary to follow the 7 chronological levels of training, which aim to train health professionals (Physiotherapists, Midwives and Doctors) who have the professional competences to do so.

The famous first two levels are the pillars of the Caufriez Concept in general and the Hypopressive Method in particular. With these two levels you will be able to start helping many people, especially women, offering a new service of prevention and improvement of urogenital and visceral dysfunctions (Urinary Incontinence, Pelvic Ptosis, Gastro-esophageal Reflux, …), osteomuscular (Pain), Postural (Postural Deficiency Syndrome), Neurological (Hemiplegia, Parkinson, …) and Emotional (anxiety, bad self-esteem, stress management, …).

These first two levels, framed in the AREA OF PREVENTION and EMPOWERMENT mainly for Women, are the Pillars of the Caufriez Concept and are essential to access any of the following levels of the Hypopressive Method.

Level 1: BASIC Certificate Caufriez Concept Women’s Empowerment

Level 2: Certificate STATIC Caufriez Concept Women’s Empowerment

After taking and passing the exam (online), you receive the EXPERT Certificate in the Caufriez Concept Women’s Empowerment “Hypopressive Method Basic and Statics levels”.

The two following seminars (accessible with success in the Expert exam) constitute a specialisation, the heart of the Mastery in the Hypopressive Method,

Levels 3 and 4 = EXPERT Diploma of the Caufriez Concept – Empowerment of Women “Dynamic Hypopressive Method I, II and Basic TAD (after test).

To complete the training in Caufriez Concept Empowerment of Women “Hypopressive Method:
Level 5 and 6 + Practical revision workshop = TEACHER-EXPERT in the Caufriez Concept Empowering Women “Hypopressive Method”. Includes: management of Postural Deficit Syndrome, Diaphragmatic Aspiration Techniques, Tension Transfer Techniques. In order to obtain the certificate, a practical and theoretical exam of Professional Training must be taken.


CAUFRIEZ CONCEPT : definition, objectives.  Women’s health and inequality and inequity (WHO).
Hypopressive method: definition and objectives
Hypopressive Techniques : what are they ?
Hypopressive Gymnastics Exercises: how to practise them
Hypopressive Gymnastics and Hypopressive Method: combined techniques
HGH Programmes
Menopause and Menstrual Cycle
Post-menopause and osteoporosis
Heat shock proteins
Prevention of the negative effects of the Menopause
Abdominal hyperpressure and vaginal hernias
Postural basis of GAH
Appropriate clothing
Orthostatic exercises 1, 2, 3 and 4 (Practical)
What Hypopressive exercises are and what they are not
What mode of breathing to adopt during the Hypopressive exercises
When to use GAH Basic ?
Postural Deficiency Syndrome
Intermediate Exercise 1 (Practice)
Hypopressive Method: ecophysiological concept of life and prevention
Brain – Communication Agents – Neurocommunications
Integration, memorisation and automation of proprioceptive messages. 
Sleep phases and memorisation
Knee Exercises 1, 2 and 3 (Practice)
Intermediate Exercise 2 (Practice)
Breathing centres and Hypopressive Method
Active Genu-Pectoral Exercise (Practice)


Postural Activity of the Thoracic Diaphragm
Fibres I, IIa and IIx : morphology, metabolism, innervation, receptors, reflexes.
Tone versus strength
Intermediate Exercise 3 (Practice)
Exercise 4 Legs (Practice)
Intermediate Exercise 4 (Practical)
Genu Pectoral Passive Exercise (Practice)
Practice of the Basic program
What to deal with the Basic programme 
Short, medium and long term effects
Emotional Intelligence Quotient
Neurovegetative and somatising emotional reactions 
Gestures and postures
Spectral analysis and cortisol
Intermediate Exercise 5 (Practical)
Tetanisation Fibres I
Female perineum – Tonimetry
Abdominal Hyperpressure and Pelvic Ptosis
Abdominal Girdle
Linea Alba
Tailored Sitting Exercises 1, 2 and 3 (Practice)
Intermediate Exercise 6 (Practice)
Variation of Abdominal Pressure on Exertion
Diaphragm Test (Practical)
Air Resistance
Peak Flow Test, Sniff Test (Practice)
Abdominal Girdle Tension Algorithm
Intermediate Exercise 7 (Practice)
Semi-sitting exercise and return to Beach Sitting (Practice)
Exercise the Cross (Practice)
Exercise the Roll (Practice)
Divergent action on the neurovegetative system
Side effects and prevention 
Exclusion, orientation and validation tests
Standardisation techniques : introduction


Functional Anatomy of the Thoracic Diaphragm
Mediastinal neuro-mechanical relationship of the T.D.
Cervico-Thoracic Manual Therapy 1 (Practical)
Cervico-Thoracic neuro-mechanical relationship of the D.T. 
Hyoid Bone and palpation (Practical)
Geniohyoid muscle: palpation and normalisation (Practical) 
Mylohyoid muscle: palpation and standardisation (Practical)
Digastric muscle: palpation and standardisation (Practical)
Stylohyoid muscle: palpation and standardisation (Practical)
Omohyoid muscle: palpation and standardisation (Practical) 
Sterno-thyroid muscle: palpation and standardisation (Practical) 
Sterno-Cleido-Hyoid muscle: palpation and standardisation (Practical) 
Thyrohyoid muscle: palpation and standardisation (Practical)  
Genioglossus muscle: palpation and standardisation (Practical)  
Hyoglossus muscle: palpation and standardisation (Practical) 
Styloglossus muscle: palpation and standardisation (Practical) 
Palatoglossus muscle: palpation and standardisation (Practice) 
Neuro-mechanical Muscular relationship of the T.D. 
Thyroid: anatomy and functionality
Iodine and Thyroid Axis, Iodine Deficiency, Radioactivity and Thyroid, Biological Cycle of Iodine, Diet and Iodine    
Dynamic Programme 1: Hypo Patterns (Practical)
Visceral neuro-mechanical relationship of the D.T. 
Thoracic Diaphragm Algorithm
Thoracic Diaphragm Tests and Tonic Normalisation (Practical)
Airway Dyssynergies Algorithm
Normalisation of Ventilation (Practical)
Algorithm of GOR and normalisation (Practical)
Dynamic Programme 2: Hypo Warm Up (Practical)

    State of Well-being : Dopamine, Prolactin, Oxytocin, Vasopressin and derived hormones
    Hypothalamus : integrative and homeostatic brain structure
    Cervico-cephalic anatomy and physiology: facial, maxillo-facial, bucco-pharyngeal, ocular, vestibulocochlear (theory and practice).
    Emotional Valencia : Facial Action Coding System (Practice) 
    Emotional intensity : Postural and Gestual Coding System (Practice)
    Spectral analysis (Practical)
    Circadian system : melatonin and temporal body scheme (Practice)
    Renal Functionality and ADH; Aldosterone, Cortisol, Androgens
    Cervico-cephalic Tension Transfer Techniques I (Practical)
    Heavy metals and toxicity

    Trace elements : vitamins and minerals
    Cervico-cephalic Tension Transfer Techniques II (Practical)
    Melanotropic Axis
    Leptin, Insulin, Ghrelin, Adiponectin and Neuropeptides
    Cervico-cephalic Tension Transfer Techniques III (Practical)
    BioHacking and Self Care
    Dynamic Programme III: Hypo Start Training.  Exercises “The Fly”, the “Gluteal Hip Hop”, the “Pump Hip Hop”, the “Cat”.
    Living in a Blue Zone according to Marcel Caufriez

      General Review Workshop

      Clinical Cases

      Exam Preparation

      Paper Presentation



      Nivel 1 y 2

      Recuperar el cuerpo a través de su conocimiento es el primer paso para adquirir el “Empoderamiento”

      Actualización semi-presencial: Streaming (actualización tecnológica) [acceso a partir del 1 de julio]

      Esta Actualización está abierta a los profesionales de Salud que han participado a la formación presencial u on-line de los niveles 1 y 2 del Método Hipopresivo MCaufriez (GAH 1 y 2).

      Programa General Método Hipopresivo, Epigenética, Ecofisiología NIVELES 1 y 2

      • CAUFRIEZ CONCEPT : Empowerment – Método Hipopresivo; Epigenética, Ecofisiología
      • Método Hipopresivo y Técnicas adicionales integrativas
      • Revisión de las bases posturales de los ejercicios hipopresivos
      • Revisión y actualización de los ejercicios BASIC y STATICS (1 a 23)
      • Revisión y práctica de los tes de valoración
      • Para inscribirse, enviar sus datos a (Nombre, apellido, dirección), así que la copia de su diploma o certificado de GAH y la copia de la transferencia bancaria del coste del curso.

      Precio: 380 €